Daniel and Gareth Burglar Alarms Beddington
Page Security Burglar alarms Beddington can help protect a property against unwanted or unauthorised visitors, they are a preventative measure of keeping your personal belongings and loved ones safe and secure.
If you already have a burglar alarm and it needs servicing or is not working please give us a call and we can help.
Our experienced and fully trained technical support team is here for you.
We have a number of different security systems from different manufactures and can install and repair all different styles of wire free burglar alarms and wired burglar alarms.
We are in the Beddington area and other services we can help you with include:
When choosing your Burglar Alarm, you firstly need to think about what security system would best suit you? Which one would give you peace of mind?
- Bells only Burglar Alarm – This type of alarm will only trigger the bell which is normally on the outside of the house and has no point of contact to anyone. This will only emit a sound to your neighbours, the surrounding area and the intruders themselves that the alarm has been set off. This is the most common type of burglar alarm system fitted.
- The Auto Dialer/GSM Burglar Alarm – This type of alarm will automatically be programmed to contact you when the alarm has been triggered. You can personalise this and add a contacts list for example, if you will be away on holiday then you can add an array of contacts to alert, so they can check the property if the alarm has been triggered. It also contacts you if there has been a fault with the alarm, a loss of power for example a power cut in the home and will also alert you when the alarm needs servicing.
- Smart Burglar Alarm System – With this security system you stay in control of your property or home with these Smart alarms. It Allows you to control and monitor your home from using wireless technology for example, a smart device, from your Mobile Phone or tablet. This will then contact you automatically and can be tailored to your choice of contacts. Essentially this smart system allows you to monitor your home 24/7, you can check in and out as you wish, anytime anywhere.
- A Monitored Burglar alarm – This type of alarm system will communicate with an alarm receiving centre and will also contact the Police. It is designed to connect your personal alarm with an external monitoring company. When an alarm gets triggered, it will send a signal to the monitoring staff of that company, this will again be a personalised plan that you choose tailored for you with that chosen security company.
There are many different devices that can be installed and used on a Burglar alarm system from Control panel, Remote Keypad, Door and window contacts, PIR and Break Glass Detectors.
- A Control Panel acts like a central security hub, all of your devices will be connected to that control panel and alerts you when activated.
- A remote keypad is a device that is usually installed by the front door. It acts as an interface between you and the security devices that are installed in the property, this can also be part of the control panel in some systems.
- A Break Glass Detector is a sensor and strategically positioned device to pick up on the frequency of a pane of glass breaking; this is done by sensing sound or vibration. This then will ultimately trigger your alarm system
- A Door or Window Contact works similarly to the break glass detector, it is installed on the doors and windows and will immediately trigger the alarm once breached.
- PIR – Passive infrared detectors are sensors that are fitted around the home in strategic places. It utilises the detection of infrared light that is radiated from objects in its path. This light can not be seen nor is it visible to the human eye, but can detect the activity of movement. Which then triggers the alarm system.
- Bell Box is usually mounted on the front and back of the house and acts as a visual deterrent. If its a live bell box it can also ring.

The main brands that we use are Visonic, Scantronic, CQR and Pyronix